Calendar of Events
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“Unwittingly Preserved for Over 100 Years: Letters of Survival” by Dr. Talin Suciyan
“Unwittingly Preserved for Over 100 Years: Letters of Survival” by Dr. Talin Suciyan
This lecture will introduce the content and context of letters sent from Istanbul in the fall of 1922 by Sourpik (Surpouhi) Tekian to her daughter Tacouhi in the United States. Originally from Angora, the Catholic Armenian Tekian family had been exiled to Istanbul as a result of the Armenian Genocide. Sourpik Tekian’s letters were written… Continue reading “Unwittingly Preserved for Over 100 Years: Letters of Survival” by Dr. Talin Suciyan
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“Language Politics and Literary Creation in the Armenian Diaspora’s Formative Years” by Dr. Talar Chahinian
“Language Politics and Literary Creation in the Armenian Diaspora’s Formative Years” by Dr. Talar Chahinian
Talar Chahinian's new book, Stateless: The Politics of the Armenian Language in Exile, focuses on two key moments and places of Western Armenian literary history, post-WWI Paris and post-WW II Beirut, to examine how a stateless language sustained itself in a diasporic setting. In it, by analyzing the public debates, critical writings, and the creative… Continue reading “Language Politics and Literary Creation in the Armenian Diaspora’s Formative Years” by Dr. Talar Chahinian
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AGBU SF Winter Gala 2025 – 25th Anniversary
AGBU SF Winter Gala 2025 – 25th Anniversary
Since 2000, the AGBU Young Professionals of Northern California have been proud to host the annual AGBU SF Winter Gala weekend! Initially a regional gathering, it has since become the biggest yearly gathering for young professionals on the West Coast, attracting guests from North America, Europe, and beyond. Join us and explore all that our… Continue reading AGBU SF Winter Gala 2025 – 25th Anniversary
“Armenians in Film” 6 short films by Armenian filmmakers
“Armenians in Film” 6 short films by Armenian filmmakers
The Fresno State Armenian Studies Program, AGBU, and CineCulture welcome you to "Armenians in Film" 6 short films by Armenian filmmakers. The film screening will begin at 5:30 PM followed by a virtual discussion with the directors at 6:45 PM. The following link gives more information about the films being screened that evening and about… Continue reading “Armenians in Film” 6 short films by Armenian filmmakers
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